Killing Time, curated by Elvis Fuentes, Yuneikys Villalonga, and Glexis Novoa, focuses on the work of over seventy contemporary Cuban artists that have approached the subject of time. “The Revolution has been a symbolic intervention on Cuban Time. In return, time has shaped discourses of and on the Cuban Revolution,” said curators. Time patterns: Rewriting History, Productive Journey vs. Free Time: From Diversion to Subversion, and Aging and Decaying: An Archaeology of Utopia, are some of many subjects explored in different media, including performances, installations, photographs, videos, drawings, paintings, sculpture, murals, prints and ephemera. This exhibition spans from late 1970s to the present, and provides a timely context for Cuban artists whose work has had little or no exposure in the United States. Many of these artists have metaphorically recorded some of the tensions in the cultural, social and political landscape of the past three decades, and have often been dismissed by the official discourse on the Island or stereotyped by narrow conceptions of identity. A special section of the exhibition features the origins of Performance and Conceptual art in Cuba, through original works and documentation materials never before shown in the United States. In addition to the exhibition, this show will include extensive public programming and a catalogue.
Francis Acea, Pavel Acosta, Jairo Alfonso, All Stars Team, José Luis Alonso Mateo, Alexandre Arrechea, Arte Calle, Magdiel Aspillaga, Juan Pablo Ballester, James Bonachea, Ricardo Brey, Saidel Brito, Tania Bruguera, La Campana Group, María Magdalena Campos Pons, Iván Capote, Yoan Capote, Consuelo Castañeda, Nilo Castillo, Sandra Ceballos & Espacio Aglutinador, Raúl Cordero, Arturo Cuenca, Ángel Delgado, Felipe Dulzaides, El Soca & Fabian, Enema Collective, Henry Eric, Antonio Eligio Fernández “Tonel”, José A. Figueroa, Coco Fusco, Carlos Garaicoa, Fernando García, Pavel Giroud, Alejandro González, María Elena González, Juan-si González, Abdel Hernández, Hexágono Group, Tony Labat, Francisco Lastra, Glenda León, Alejandro López, Rafael López Ramos, Janler Méndez, Manuel Mendive, Beverly Mojena, Maritza Molina, Glexis Novoa, Antonio Núñez, Ernesto Oroza, Cristina Padura, Alain Pino, Humberto Planas, Segundo Planes, Provisional Group, Aldo Damián Menéndez, Ernesto Pujol, Rigoberto Quintana, Ritual Art-De Group, Rubert Quintana, Fernando Rodríguez & Francisco de la Cal, René Francisco Rodríguez, Carlos Rodríguez Cárdenas, Joel Rojas, Yali Romagoza, Lázaro Saavedra, Leandro Soto, Ezequiel Suárez, T&T, José Ángel Toirac, César Trasobares, Hárold Vazquez, Aaron Vega Granados, Liudmila Velasco & Nelson Ramírez de Arellano, José Ángel Vincench, Ramón Williams.
Panel Discussion Sunday May 13, 4-6pm
Glexis Novoa, Rafael Lopez Ramos, Ruben Torres Llorca, Maria Magdalena Campos Pons, Tania Bruguera, Leandro Soto
Live Performances: Sunday May 13, 8-10pm
Tania Bruguera, Juan-Si Gonzalez, Alejandro Lopez, Maritza Molina, El Soca & Fabian and Leandro Soto
Exit Art, 475 Tenth Ave, New York, (212) 966 7745, www.exitart.org