Por el fantasma de Nietzsche
"Hay ciertos indicios en los que reconocerás que has hecho largo camino y que has subido más alto: el espacio es ahora más libre alrededor de ti y tu vista abarca un horizonte más vasto que el que veías antes... el aire es más puro y más dulce. Es por eso que tu camino será ahora más solitario y más peligroso que antes -pero no ciertamente en la medida que imaginan los que te han visto subir, a ti, el viajero, del valle brumoso hasta la montaña".
33 comentarios:
Es verdad que ese viaje es necesario para todo hombre entenderse, para llegar a la cima de su existencia. Pero, ese camino nunca parece terminar y la soledad a veces oculta el esplendor. Sigo caminando, sin temor al peligro. Nietzche, no soy un super hombre, pero esa es mi montaña y la tengo que conquistar.
Thus Spake Zarathustra
Triff, te levantaste escuchando la musica de Richard Strauss?
Ha! Ha!... Just joking around.
Vaya Vizcaino, hablas como un buen padre. Me gusta como te expresas. Sigue ese camino, y lucha por tu familia, el exito lo llevas tu y nadie mas.
The "Ubermensch" concept was a catalyst in Nazi Germany's society belief in the "master race". German soldiers carried copies of Nietzche's "Thus Spake Zarathustra"...
Ubermench is translated to "overman", I have listed below some excerpts fron Thus Spake Zarathustra;
"I teach you the overman. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?
All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. And man shall be just that for the overman: a laughingstock or a painful embarrassment...
Behold, I teach you the overman. The overman is the meaning of the earth.Let your will say: the overman shall be the meaning of the earth! I beseech you, my brothers, remain faithful to the earth, and do not believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hopes! Poison-mixers are they, whether they know it or not. Despisers of life are they, decaying and poisoned themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so let them go.
Once the sin against God was the greatest sin; but God died, and these sinners died with him. To sin against the earth is now the most dreadful thing, and to esteem the entrails of the unknowable higher than the meaning of the earth...
What is the greatest experience you can have? It is the hour of the great contempt. The hour when your happiness, too, arouses your disgust, and even your reason and your virtue.
The hour when you say, 'What matters my happiness? It is poverty and filth and wretched contentment. But my happiness ought to justify existence itself.'
The hour when you say, 'What matters my reason? Does it crave knowledge as the lion his food? It is poverty and filth and wretched contentment.'
The hour when you say, 'What matters my virtue? As yet it has not made me rage. How weary I am of my good and my evil! All that is poverty and filth and wretched contentment.'
"Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman--a rope over an abyss...
What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end: what can be loved in man is that he is an overture and a going under...
"I say unto you: one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star. I say unto you: you still have chaos in yourselves.
Alas, the time is coming when man will no longer give birth to a star. Alas, the time of the most despicable man is coming, he that is no longer able to despise himself. Behold, I show you the last man.
'What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?' thus asks the last man, and blinks.
The earth has become small, and on it hops the last man, who makes everything small. His race is as ineradicable as the flea; the last man lives longest.
'We have invented happiness,'say the last men, and they blink. They have left the regions where it was hard to live, for one needs warmth. One still loves one's neighbor and rubs against him, for one needs warmth...
One still works, for work is a form of entertainment. But one is careful lest the entertainment be too harrowing. One no longer becomes poor or rich: both require too much exertion. Who still wants to rule? Who obey? Both require too much exertion.
No shepherd and one herd! Everybody wants the same, everybody is the same: whoever feels different goes voluntarily into a madhouse.
'Formerly, all the world was mad,' say the most refined, and they blink...
One has one's little pleasure for the day and one's little pleasure for the night: but one has a regard for health.
'We have invented happiness,' say the last men, and they blink."
from Nietzsche's Thus spoke Zarathustra, p.3,4,5, Walter Kaufmann transl.
Of the three metamorphoses of the spirit I tell you: how the spirit becomes a camel; and the camel, a lion; and the lion, finally, a child.
There is much that is difficult for the spirit, the strong, reverent spirit that would bear much: but the difficult and the most difficult are what its strength demands.
What is difficult? asks the spirit that would bear much, and kneels down like a camel wanting to be well loaded. What is most difficult, O heroes, asks the spirit that would bear much, that I may take it upon myself and exult in my strength? Is it not humbling oneself to wound one's haughtiness? Letting one's folly shine to mock one's wisdom?...
Or is it this: stepping into filthy waters when they are the waters of truth, and not repulsing cold frogs and hot toads?
Or is it this: loving those that despise us and offering a hand to the ghost that would frighten us?
All these most difficult things the spirit that would bear much takes upon itself: like the camel that, burdened, speeds into the desert, thus the spirit speeds into its desert.
In the loneliest desert, however, the second metamorphosis occurs: here the spirit becomes a lion who would conquer his freedom and be master in his own desert. Here he seeks out his last master: he wants to fight him and his last god; for ultimate victory he wants to fight with the great dragon.
Who is the great dragon whom the spirit will no longer call lord and god? "Thou shalt" is the name of the great dragon. But the spirit of the lion says, "I will." "Thou shalt" lies in his way, sparkling like gold, an animal covered with scales; and on every scale shines a golden "thou shalt."
Values, thousands of years old, shine on these scales; and thus speaks the mightiest of all dragons: "All value has long been created, and I am all created value. Verily, there shall be no more 'I will.'" Thus speaks the dragon.
My brothers, why is there a need in the spirit for the lion? Why is not the beast of burden, which renounces and is reverent, enough?
To create new values -- that even the lion cannot do; but the creation of freedom for oneself and a sacred "No" even to duty -- for that, my brothers, the lion is needed. To assume the right to new values -- that is the most terrifying assumption for a reverent spirit that would bear much. Verily, to him it is preying, and a matter for a beast of prey. He once loved "thou shalt" as most sacred: now he must find illusion and caprice even in the most sacred, that freedom from his love may become his prey: the lion is needed for such prey.
But say, my brothers, what can the child do that even the lion could not do? Why must the preying lion still become a child? The child is innocence and forgetting, a new beginning, a game, a self-propelled wheel, a first movement, a sacred "Yes." For the game of creation, my brothers, a sacred "Yes" is needed: the spirit now wills his own will, and he who had been lost to the world now conquers the world.
Like all things German, Inki!
Viscaino, siempre habran criticos. Por cada 100 mil criticos hay un creador. La critica es un estimulo, si no haces nada, no hay nada de criticar, mientras mas haces, mas criticaran. Los criticos me estimulan, they acknowledge my creation.
During his rise to power Adolf Hitler seemed to take very signifigant philosophies from existentialist, Friedrich Neitzche. These are some of the similarities: "One of the most controversial influences that Nietzsche had was on the Nazi party and Hitler's personality because Nietzcshe's theories were the bases of Hitler's ayran race. Some people, think that Neitzche's philosphies were used as a guide for hitler's destruction."
During Hitler's time, Hitler comes to the idea of the superman, the perfect, German, aryan citizan.
In Mein Kampf, Hitler divides humans into categories based on physical appearance, establishing higher and lower types of humans. The highest, is the German man: blond hair and blue eyes. He says that the Aryan race is the master race, or superman: they can do anything...
In Nazi philosophy, "...it by no means believes in an equality of races, but along with their difference it recognizes their higher or lesser value and feels itself obligated to promote the victory of the better and stronger, and demand the subordination of the inferior and weaker in accordance with the eternal will that dominates this universe."
This excerpt from Mein Kampf is an example of how Hitler has taken a metaphor, another man's theory and turned it into strict following. He has defined the idea of an inferior and a superior race and has basically outlined his thought of "survival of the fittest"
In this case, the supreme beings are obviously the German Aryan, and the inferior races would be the Jews and the Slavic peoples.
In Neitzche’s book, Thus Spoke Tharathustra, Neitzche talks about the idea of the superman: the ideal being. Nietzche mostly talks of this man as a man who can do anything. A superman was, anyone who has dominated or influenced a lot of people and changed the way we live today. Nietzsche thought of himself as a superman because he helped the people become stronger and disliked the weak. He didn't like the weak because they didn't do anything in society. "The weak fed off the strong and were helpless." *
In one of Nietzche's essays, "The Free Spirit" he makes references to "social outcasts" and "making sacrifices" Out of context, it displays traits of Hitler's process...first make them outcasts, and later in various speeches he talks about "eradicating the vermon for the good of Germany!"
"Nietzsche concluded that humanity was driven by the will to power. All human behavior is based on or motivated by the will to power. The concept of God is Dead is when Nietzsche thought that religion had lost its meaning and power over people. Religion could no longer serve as the foundation for moral values.
Careful with what you believe. Have you noticed how to spell his name, NietzCHE?
No Inkieta, Der Fuhrer and The Master Race!
The reality is that in Germany, as a result of the unification and intolerance to immigrants(racism), a resurgence of Neo-Nazism is creating a viable movement. It is a scary thought, that the "Ubermensch" mentality in German society still has healthy roots. Let's hope that it does not spread or grow any more, and eventually dies.
Ansaliza bien lo que escribi, mi padre fue prisionero de los Nazis, el fue de la resistancia Holandesa, y sobrevivio un campo de esclavo. Por eso you soy un Nazi hunter, y no me gustan los comunistas tampoco...
El Anti-Nazi
Naci en Cuba.
Mi madre es cubana, de abuelos Asturianos e Isleños. Mi padre es Holandes. No tengo familia en Cuba, la gran parte son Holandeses.
Aunque, que cosa es "Ser Cubano"?
JR, for your enlightment.
William L. Shirer (1959), The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
Nietzsche, like Goethe, held no high opinion of the German people, and in other ways, too, the outpourings of this megalomaniacal genius differ from those of the chauvinistic German thinkers of the nineteenth century.... The Germans, he wrote in Ecce Homo, "have no conception how vile they are," and he came to the conclusion that "wheresoever Germany penetrated, she ruins culture." He thought that Christians, as much as Jews, were responsible for the "slave morality" prevalent in the world. He was never an anti-semite. He was sometimes fearful of Prussian culture, and in his last years, before insanity closed his mind, he even toyed with the idea of European union and world government.
Yet I think no one who lived in the Third Reich could have failed to be impressed by Nietzsche's influence on it. His books might be full, as Santayana said, of "genial imbecility" and "boyish blasphemies." Yet Nazi scribblers never tired of extolling him. Hitler often visited the Nietzsche museum in Weimar and publicized his veneration for the philosopher by posing for photographs of himself staring in rapture at the bust of the great man.
There was some ground for this appropriation of Nietzsche as one of the originators of the Nazi Weltanschauung. Had not the philosopher thundered against democracy and parliaments, preached the will to power, praised war and proclaimed the coming of the master race and the superman--and in the most telling aphorisms? A Nazi could proudly quote him on almost every conceivable subject, and did. On Christianity: "the one great curse, the one enormous and innermost perversion... I call it the one immortal blemish of mankind.... This Christianity is no more than the typical teaching of the Socialists." On the State, power, and the jungle world of man: "Society has never regarded virtue as anything other than as a means to strength, power, and order. The State [is] unmorality organized... the will to war, to conquest and revenge... Society is not entitled to exist for its own sake but only as a substructure and scaffolding by means of which a select race of beings may elevate themselves to their higher duties... There is no such thing as the right to live, the right to work, or the right to be happy: in this respect man is no different from the meanest worm." (Women, whom Nietzsche never had, he consigned to a distinctly inferior status, as did the Nazis, who decreed that their place was in the kitchen and their chief role in life to beget children for German warriors. Nietzsche put the idea this way: "Man shall be trained for war and woman for the procreation of the warrior. All else is folly." He went further. In Thus Spake Zarathustra he exclaims: "Thou goest to woman? Do not forget thy whip!"...) And he exalted the superman as the beast of prey, "the magnificent blond brute, avidly rampant for spoil and victory."
And war? Here Nietzsche took the view of most of the other nineteenth-century German thinkers. In the thundering Old Testament language in which Thus Spake Zarathustra is written, the philosopher cries out: "Ye shall love peace as a means to new war, and the short peace more than the long. You I advise not to work, but to fight. You I advise not to peace but to victory.... Ye say it is the good cause which halloweth even war? I say unto you: it is the good war which halloweth every cause. War and courage have done more great things than charity."
Finally there was Nietzsche's prophecy of the coming elite who would rule the world and from whom the superman would spring. In The Will to Power he exclaims: "A daring and ruler race is building itself up.... The aim should be to prepare a transvaluation of values for a particularly strong kind of man, most highly gifted in intellect and will. This man and the elite around him will become the 'lords of the earth'."
Such rantings from one of Germany's most original minds must have struck a responsive chord in Hitler's littered mind. At any rate he appropriated them for his own--not only the thoughts but the philosopher's penchant for grotesque exaggeration, and often his very words. "Lords of the Earth" is a familiar expression in Mein Kampf. That in the end Hitler considered himself the superman of Nietzsche's prophecy cannot be doubted....
In Hitler's utterances there runs the theme that the supreme leader is above the morals of ordinary men. Hegel and Nietzsche thought so too.... Nietzsche, with his grotesque exaggeration, goes much further:
The strong men, the masters, regain the pure conscience of a beast of prey; monsters filled with joy, they can return from a fearful succession of murder, arson, rape, and torture with the same joy in their hearts, the same contentment in their souls as if they had indulged in some student's rag.... When a man is capable of commanding, when he is by nature a "Master," when he is violent in act and gesture, of what importance are treaties to him?... To judge morality properly, it must be replaced by two concepts borrowed from zoology: the taming of a beast and the breeding of a specific species.
Inki, hablo "Cubano" que diga "Mierda"!
Thus Castro Ubermensch?
Vamos "Rosi", que compraste para las navidades?
Inki, y libertad para el pueblo de Cuba?
Inki, Las regulaciones de HIPPA no permiten dar esa informacion.
Por suerte es Padre!
Inki o Inki!
The root hyster- comes from the Greek word for womb. So, the psycholological disturbance termed hysteria was originally believed to be a disease of women and resulted from some disturbance in the uterus. Its origin is in the late 17th century.
Similarly, a hysterectomy, first appearing in English in the mid-19th century, is the removal of the womb, or uterus.
Jack of all trades, master of nothing, well almost nothing!
Orale, carnalita. Here I am. aunque un poco ocupado hoy con mi trabajo y cosas por hacer en casa antes de Ano Nuevo. Triste un poco tambien por la muerte de Cuco a quien conoci en La Habana y con quien hable cosas interesantes. Durante quince anos de exilio he seguido hablando y sabiendo de el por RF que es uno de mis mejores amigos, un hermano en realidad. Asi es la vida, el domingo fui con mi esposa y mi hija a conocer a la pequenita recien nacida de Tere y Vizcaino y yendo a casa de RF llame antes de llegar y me dio la triste noyicia. Pero la vida sigue y sus hijos y hermanos continuan creando y creciendo en su memoria. Se ha puesto seriecito el blog, ya es un cerrado grupo de amigos. Espero no haberlos torturado mucho con las entervistas de pintores pero es un tema que me obsesiona y queria que la gente aprendiera un poco de ese tortuoso proceso de los artistas y el exilio y la patria y todo eso... en fin, saludos calurosos desde el pueblo mas al sur de los USA continentales, Florida City, donde vivo.
Como sabes, antes que fifo era sperm habia cultura cubana.si acaso el es el que destruyo la cultura cubana. Siempre hubo cultura en cuba, lo que ningun cubano era capaz de cojerse el credito total por ese gran logro.
Pedro, podrias manderle a Triff una foto de Naomi, me gustaria verla como un "nacimiento navideño" de este blog familiar.
Compré caråcter como para que rinda una vida. Mano querida, no compré, adqurî a pulso, adquiero sustancia. Sedienta de.
Me gusta que el blog ande solo. Besos, Rosi
I do find a contradiction in what you wrote,"No creo que hay superiores aunque si inferiores"...
If you believe, regardless of the reasons, that there are inferior beings, than there must be superior beings.
Padre Luigi, te deseo una pronta recuperacion de tu cirugia y que el ano nuevo te traiga salud a ti y a todos los de tu sacristia. A proposito de lo que comento JR, me gustaria me ayudaran a localizar o mencionar artistas plasticos cubanos desperdigados por el mundo con sus nombres y paises o ciudades donde se encuentran. No sera un catalogo cientifico o exhaustivo pero nos dara una idea de la diaspora plastica que creo Carecoco.
Voy con uno exotico: Manuel Gonzalez Daza (Manolo Huevofrito), al parecer en Belize hace ya anos. Excelente pintor pero aun mas excelente ilustrador de libros infantiles. Codiscipulo de Bedia, Ruben, Consuelo, Cuenca, etc., desde 1972 en San Alejandro y graduado en la primera promocion del ISA en 1981.
No te olvides de los escultores, como Oliva, Estopiñan, Garcia, Carbonell, Santi, Dirube, etc., etc.
Merri Crisma tu yu!
It's Ok Chunita, Lo entendimos bien. Siempre disfruto de lo que escribes, aunque no te deje comentarios. Sigue iluminandonos, tienes el tesoro de la experiencia, y la sabiduria que los años dan.
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