Por tumiamiblog
Blogolandia, se avecina la chifladura de las compras de diciembre… días de gaudeamus, tribu, desenfreno, gula e hipocondría. ¿Qué piensas de las once jornadas que se avecinan? Comparte un poco tus ánimos. Vamos, que nos interesa a todos.
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No compro, creo! Desde mas de una decada yo no compro regalos para nadie. Para las Navidades esculpo un ornamento, cada año han sido diferentes y siempre sobre el tema de la Natividad. El de este año se titula "Plena Gratia" y es un pequeño relieve sobre la anunciacion, limitado a unos 200.
El mejor regalo es el amor y poder compartir con la familia y los amigos, lo de las compras destruye el concepto de las Navidades. Encuentro muy triste ir a las tiendas durante esta epoca. El nivel del estres, los rostros de anxiedad y angustia, las masas comprando sin parar. Los tantos que tratan de acabar la lista de nombres en busqueda de un regalo, mientras se preocupan de las consequencias economicas por sus gastos. Los continuos anuncios sobre productos del exceso, y la tristeza en que cada año it's less about God and more about profit, me encabronan! Por eso, ya me libre de esta malicia. Todo los regalos los creo, gracias a Dios, y de esa manera solo salgo para ver las decoraciones y oir la musica. FELIZ NAVIDAD para todos, HAPPY CHANUKKAH, y un gran AÑO NUEVO. Como dijo Tiny Tim, "God Bless everyone".
About the artist;
Gustave Dore was born in Strasbourg in 1832. He became a book illustrator in Paris and his commissions included work by Rabelais, Balzac and Dante. In 1853 he was asked to illustrate the works of Lord Byron. This was followed by other work for British publishers including a new illustrated English Bible.
Dore's English Bible (1865) was a great success and in 1867 Gustave Dore had a major exhibition of his work in London. This led to the foundation of the Dore Gallery in New Bond Street.
In 1869, Blanchard Jerrold, the son of Douglas Jerrold, suggested that they worked together to produce a comprehensive portrait of London. Jerrold had got the idea from The Microcosm of London, that had been produced by Rudolf Ackermann, William Pyne and Thomas Rowlandson in 1808.
Dore signed a five-year project with he publishers, Grant & Co, that involved him staying in London for three months a year. Dore was paid the vast sum of £10,000 a year for the proposed art work. The book, London: A Pilgrimage, with 180 engravings by Dore, was eventually published in 1872.
Although a commercial success, many of the critics disliked the book. Several were upset that Dore had appeared to concentrate on the poverty that existed in London. Gustave Dore was accused by the Art Journal of "inventing rather than copying". The Westminster Review claimed that " Dore gives us sketches in which the commonest, the vulgarest external features are set down".
London: A Pilgrimage was a financial success and Dore received commissions from other British publishers. Dore's later work included Paradise Lost, The Idylls of the King and The Works of Thomas Hood. His work also appeared in the Illustrated London News. Dore continued to illustrate books until his death in 1883.
(llustration, from Milton's Paradise Lost)
Gracias por esas aclaraciones, siempre necesarias, Mano.
Rafael Fornes (hijo) me acaba de mandar unas obras de Rafael (padre). Esta semana le rendimos un modesto tributo artistico a Cuco el artista. Espero que les guste.
Words cannot express the sense of loss at the passing of a loved one. The realization that you will never sense their being by physical means is at times unbearable, yet on the spiritual level, do we ever cease to be? My dear friend Rafael, always be aware that the mortal presence is just a segment of our true spiritual self. This body or vehicle that serves us during our mortal existence eventually erodes, and frees our spirit to rise to a higher level of existence. Rafael, tu padre siempre lo tendras, en tu piel, en tu ser, memoria, espirito, y en tu amor. Amigo, estas en mis oraciones, tambien incluyo a tu bella tia Chunita, un tesoro, con la memoria de to padre cuando era niño y joven, que recuerden todo con detalle, para poder celebrar su vida con amor,
Un abrazo, con mi amor,Marc
Para leer un poco mas sobre Rafael Fornes padre, su familia y su obra, visitar el website de su hermana Maria Irene:
Existen varios otros sites dedicados y relacionados con la obra de esta gran playwright cubana y americana. Una obra suya esta basada precisamente en las cartas de su querido hermano Cuco.
Oh, my God, what should I buy? And for whom? How much? Why? (you get the idea, he's going crazy).
JR, en esa misma estamos todos!
El unico regalo que pido es pasar estos dias con mi mujer, famila y amigos y que todos tengan salud y felicidad, solo eso y nada mas.
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